Sunday, October 18, 2009

Untitled [10/18/09 @ 5:52]

Is it sick that I get my pleasure
From holding her while she cries
Over her boyfriend choosing another girl?
Seeing the tears spill over
I can only think how pretty she is
And what she would say
If she knew how much
I treasure moments like these.

Happened yesterday, at the football game. Unrequited love, oh sigh.

Untitled [10/18/09 @ 5:43 PM]

Lips and hands are clear as day
Warming the birds back to life in your bed.
The mattress rips open
And one hundred geese fling their feathers
Far and wide.
We fly.

Written in thirty seconds, after hearing the idiom 'burning the midnight oil.'

I had these girlfriends [10/6/09]

I had this girlfriend—a friend who was a girl—who had all these books. She had parents too. She loved the books; she loved her parents. One day, her parents got real sick. She kept the old books, but got new parents. This girlfriend's parents would take away a row of books every time she left her room dirty. All those books sat inside a dusty closet for years, with no one who would read them. I had this other girlfriend—another friend who was a girl—who had epilepsy. She had parents too. She loved her parents; she hated books. She never got rid of the old parents, but she did get new books. This girlfriend's parents would give her a row of books every time she had a seizure. All those books sat on a dusty shelf for years, with no one who would read them. Maybe I should've introduced them, maybe not.

Written as a warm up for English project. Based off of two good friends.

Rocket-paper-ship [10/6/09]

This paper, executed skillfully and with an artistic flair, would take off like a rocket ship, the words acting as an impetus, sending it past Earth's orbit. Extolled by the stars and impervious to jeopardy, the rocket-ship-paper would move on to the malicious Sun. Scrutinized and abused by him, the rocket-ship-paper would settle on its rusted and dreaming haunches made of gears, and retrogress to Earth where it would be safe and comfortably trapped.

A project for my Honors English class.